Monday, May 26, 2014

Week 6 Critical Thinking

Chapter 26- Getting an Instructional Design Position: Lessons from a Personal History
1.  What are the media production skills in highest demand for instructional designers today? What courses are available for you that would strengthen this skill set? What projects could you complete that would strengthen your portfolio? Who are the leading academics publishing in the field of media production in instructional design?
    There are several skills that are in high demand for instructional designers.  Business skills, instructional media knowledge, analytical and management skills and the ability to communicate well are some key points to set up an ideal candidate for a position in instructional design (Reiser, 2012).   Eric Matas, an author for eLearning Weekly elaborated defining graphic design skills, mobility, ability to acclimate, knowledge of video production and social media awareness were also critical (2011).  Completing projects in a current position relating to those skills defined, even if not assigned would help to enhance portfolio strength and expertise.  Also, taking courses in video production, project management, social media and other highly valued skills would help to increase awareness a content knowledge and provide credibility in the field.  Also, keeping current with journals and publications related to instructional design is a useful way to facilitate success.  Some of those journals include The American Journal of Distance Education or Computers & Education.  A formative list can be found by clicking here.
2.Reading through the lessons the author offers, which three areas do you think you should focus your attention on most? Prioritize a list of 10 action steps you could take to enhance your proficiency in these areas, and thereby increase your probability of landing the job you want.
    Reiser provides a detailed list of several lessons to help search for a job in instructional design.  The three most prominent lessons are:
  • Lesson 11: Become active in professional organizations
  • Lesson 12: Publish, Don’t cherish
  • Lesson 14: Develop an area of Expertise.
    Those lessons are important to increase credibility and show interest in the field.  Also claiming an area of expertise helps to focus the job search and minimize extraneous job searches that would not otherwise be interesting. There are several steps that I can take to increase proficiency in the three areas listed above.  
  • Step 1: Research professional organizations to see what the criteria is for involvement and to gain a list of organizations that are of interest.  
  • Step 2: Network with other members of the organization and make them aware of my knowledge and abilities.
  • Step 3: Research Journals of interest, that may be interested in the work that I have produced.
  • Step 4: Edit pieces for submission.
  • Step 5: Review submission requirements and decide when to submit materials.  One materials are submitted follow up with the publishers to check on the status of the submission.
  • Step 6: If the submission is designed, start again and attempt to have another piece published.
  • Step 7:  Research the various areas of instructional design that are of interest.
  • Step 8: Join organizations directly affiliated with that interest.
  • Step 9: Read all of the literature I can acquire in the topic of interest.  
  • ‘Step 10: Research job requirements and criteria to help prepare for a profession in instructional design.

Chapter 29- E-Learning and Instructional Design
1. The author sets out to answer the question, "do we have the conceptual models to adapt to 'the shifting landscape of e-learning'?". Describe what he estimates as "e-learning's most powerful and uncultivated feature". In what ways do you agree or disagree with him?
    E-learning is a vast and unexplored area of learning. Resier indicates that there are still several powerful and uncultivated features in e-learning, of which we still need to adapt.  The field of e-learning specifically caters to graduate students, and eliminates undergraduate students.  However, there are several opportunities where undergraduate students could vastly benefit from some of the features that are implemented into e-learning design.  E-learning techniques, paired with the growing trend for instructional design in all fields, should be taught at a bachelors level to instill creativity, flexibility and knowledge about the field that they are venturing into, regardless of the speciality.
2. Assume you have been told to design a “Twenty-First-Century Learning Course” that incorporates the full range of techniques and technologies that are used today (social networking, collaboration, Facebook, etc.). What are the key characteristics for which you would design, and how would you design for intentional vs. unintentional learning?
    Several characteristic I would include in an online, twenty first century learning course, are as follows:
  • Integration of an online group project through PBworks for an intentional learning activity.
  • Weekly discussion posts to stimulate interest and navigate unintentional learning.
  • Links to various journals and websites with similar content to stimulate unintentional learning.
  • Blog integration to learn about relevant material through unintentional learning.
  • Interactive videos made through Jing and Screencast to introduce concepts and ideas and activate intentional learning.
  • Submission of projects through a blog to finalize intentional and unintentional learning.  

Bentley, J. The Journals in the field of instructional technology.  Retrieved from
Matas, E. (2011).  Top 5 E-learning Job Skills for 2011.  ELearning Weekly.
Reiser, R. (2012).  Trends and issues in instructional design and technology. 3.  Pearson

Future of E-Learning

Future of E-Learning

Laura Moll

EDU 655: Trends & Issues in Instructional Design

Professor Heather Caldwell

May 26, 2014

    Learning in the twenty-first century has been transformed by the introduction and implementation of online learning tools throughout the academic and professional environment.  The revolution ignited from Web 2.0 technology has changed the way the general population will use and change technology (Reiser, 2012).  Web 2.0 technology has changed the online environment by allowing regular, everyday users to change and modify content without any coding or HTML knowledge.  This revolution, the relative affordability of technology and the vast array of resources that are available to supplement and navigate online instruction has left a large impact on the academic and professional field inspiring a great need for instructional technology to be shaped around technology.  With the changes in availability and usability, there should be anticipated changes in traditional learning models supporting traditional teacher to learner roles, instructional tools and methods of evaluation.  While the Web 2.0 revolution stands as a remarkably revolutionary part of the educational transformation, changes in teacher training and preparatory classes are self-evident.  This paper will evaluate how learning models, tools, evaluation methods and instructor roles have changed and will continue to change with the onset and popularity of online learning.
Learning Models
    Traditional learning models of instruction vary in complexity, detail and structure deviating between how students learn and what activates certain learn activities. For decades, a few dominating models ruled instructional design in terms of theory and implementation.  Robert Reiser and John Dempsy describe the history of instructional design, dating back to World War II, where training and experiments were called upon to enhance the learning and retention of techniques for soldiers (2012). Over the next few decades theorists arose deviating disciplines in behaviorism, criterion referenced testing, formative evaluations, domains of learning and documenting the difference and importance of performance based learning objectives.  By the 1990’s, several disciplines arose including Behaviorism (or Behavioral Learning Theory), the Cognitive Processing Theory, Situated Learning Theory, Gagne’s Theory of Instruction and Constructivism (2012).   The last theory, although radical at the time, has had a lasting impact on instructional design with relevance to technology implementation.  This theory claims to engage learnings actively, provide opportunities for collaboration and discussion and to allow learners to set goals for learning and reflection (Reiser, 2012).  These principles have easily transferred to the Web 2.0 atmosphere, creating a system that not only integrates constructivist learning theories but creates a prime opportunity for disruptive innovation. According to Staker, a writer for the Innosight Institute, disruptive innovation is a system that indirectly replaces old, costly and inefficient programs with more efficient and cheap programs that are also convenient and easily accessible (Staker, 2011).  
    Disruptive innovation has evolved in the twenty-first century creating a revolutionary movement in the learning and instructional design environment.  As of 2010,  there were four million kindergarten through twelfth grade students enrolled in some type of online learning program.  Typically, online learning environments include a cycle of completeness, structure and clarity that reinforce skills that have been taught in the classroom (Guidy-Oulai, A., & Tarn, J., 2012).  Through web-based learning applications, a virtual classroom that simulates a traditional one, or digital collaboration efforts between the teacher and the student or a combination of several components, E-Learning is becoming more and more prevalent as a method of instruction (Guidy-Oulai, A., & Tarn, J., 2012).  However,  the most predominant model of instruction focuses on blended instruction models that incorporate both traditional “brick and mortar” classrooms with online learning experiences ( Staker, 2011).  
    Much of the elements that compose instructional design models are based on a constructivist theory of education.  Arah, author of The Competencies, Preparations, and Challenging (New) Roles of Online Instructors, defines this knowledge as the constructivist epistemology in which information is created through a series of shared human experiences (2012).  
    Blended learning opportunities provide a chance to integrate a constructivist model of instruction with several different elements of instruction.  Students have an opportunity to interact socially in a traditional environment and the independence to learn at their own pace with the use of blended learning techniques.  Some typical instructional models that are frequently implemented a face to face model which includes traditional instruction in a brick and mortar classroom, a series of rotations that alternate between an online setting and a classroom setting, a flexible learning environment where technology is only used as needed, online learning labs with materials that are designed by professionals but administered by paraprofessionals, self blended instruction where technology is used as a supplement and an online driver model where all learning is administered by a facilitator and completed at the learner's own pace.   Depending on the age of the student and the purpose of learning,  the methods of instruction may be synchronous (done at the same time) or asynchronous (task completed at a students own pace, often with a common due date) (Staker, 2011).  
Instructional Tools and Technology
    With a shift in the nature of learning and the physical atmosphere in which learning takes place, there are also shifts in how learning is constructed and what tools are used to facilitate learning. Learning has shifted from an opportunity to retain information that was dictated and expected to be retained through rote memory methods, to an opportunity to be actively involved in learning (Kirkland, 2014).  In light of the shift in focus for education, in relation to E-learning techniques, the focus of learning is to redefine concepts, modify perceptions, augment a sense of reality and substitute old, worn out methods of instruction (Kirkland, 2014).  To do this, several instructional designers have implemented the TPACK model to develop a cohesive and comprehensive plan for facilitating learning in an online environment.  The TPACK model, retrieved from the TPACK website is shown below:
    Each of the elements described in the model are critical components of design of an effective online learning environment.  Once the elements of the TPACK model have been evaluated tools including wiki sites, blogs, video conferencing and other collaborative tools can be implemented to maintain strong communication and collaboration between students.  Some tools that have evolved for use in Instructional Design and implementation are listed below.

Instructional Tools & Technology
Learning Platforms-Desire2Learn, Access, Moodle, Apex Learning, American Education A+, K12, Aleks
Video Conferencing- Skype, Go To Meeting, Megameeting, Vbuzzer, ichat, Yugma
Wikis- PBworks, Wikidot, Wikispaces, Wikkii
Blogs- Insanejournal, Blogger, Weebly, Edublog
Social Media- Facebook, Xanga, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, Snapchat
Supplemental tools- Rossetta Stone (language), Dreambox Learning (Math), Learning Today (Math and Reading), Spellingcity (Spelling & Vocabulary), ABC Mouse ( Alphabet), Starfall (Early Reading)

    The materials listed above is not an exhaustive one, and tools and references continue to develop and change the academic online community.  Tools for learning and development are designed to enhance instruction and stimulate interest in material that is assigned.  However, with the evolving role of technology in classrooms or in blended environments the role of the instructor or teacher will inevitably change as well.  
Instructor and Learner Roles in Teaching and Learning
    Traditionally, students and teachers upheld an adult/child relationship where the teacher was all knowledgeable and the student was to listen and absorb all knowledge that the teacher shared.  The teacher was to obtain knowledge on a subject and convey that same knowledge to students through rote memorization. There was little movement, and even less interaction among students.  Students were to listen and absorb.  Teachers were to talk and reiterate information that had once been poured into them in a similar manner.
    Now, with dynamic changes in the classroom setting, and the confines of classroom walls diminished with online accessibility the role of the teacher is changing.  Teacher/student relationships were at one time personal and intimate, where today the student and teacher may never meet face to face ( Arah, 2012).   Teachers roles have shifted from being a primary caretaker to a moderator or facilitator.  (Staker, 2011).  With the implementation of new software and learning programs the teachers duties have become based around planning, preparing and developing lessons based on basic teaching competencies and content knowledge ( Arah, 2012).  They must clearly define expectations for the course and provide guidance and responsibilities as well as moderate and facilitate learning, interaction and collaboration among students.  Even in a “brick and mortar” classroom, a teacher primarily plans for instruction but allows students to facilitate the learning through collaborative projects, self facilitated research and interaction among peers (Staker, 2011).  
Methods of Judging the Effectiveness of E-Learning Models
    With the changing dynamic of the classroom and new norms for social interaction and collaboration in a classroom, assessment criteria has also been transformed.  While traditional tests were based on rote memory reconciliation, modern Web 2.0 based learning assessments are based on the amount of time spent on task, resources referenced, opinions and how they are supported and the communicative efforts of students ( Lam, 2006).  This disention from relying on test material and multiple choice answers allows much greater discretion in determining the quality of the course and the quality of the learning that took place. Collaborative, interactive tools and projects allow learners to show mastery of skills through utilizing methods learned in class, not a strict reliance on the ability to take a test.
    Undoubtedly, the Web 2.0 revolution, the prevalence of computers and other electronic devices and the popularity of online learning among the younger generations has contributed to a dynamic shift in the learning climate of both online and traditional classrooms.  For older learners, the convenience of learning asynchronously is invaluable.  For traditional students that rely on e-learning for supplemental tools to expand their knowledge and information base, collaborative skills and research skills can only increase.  The change in technology has affected the nature of design in classrooms, the role of the teacher and the methods of evaluation, all while making a plentiful and student-centered atmosphere accessible to nearly everyone in the world.

ABC Mouse.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Access.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Aleks.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
American Education A+. Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Arah, B. O. (2012). The Competencies, Preparations, and Challenging (New) Roles of Online
Instructors. Online Submission.
Apex Learning.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Blogger.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Desire2Learn.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Dream Box Learning.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Edublog.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Facebook.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
GoTo Meeting.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Guidy-Oulai, A., & Tarn, J. (2012). Organizational e-learning evaluation: The development of a
checklist model. Human Systems Management, 31(3/4), 255-267
iChat.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Insanejournal. Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Instagram. Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
K12 Online Learning.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Kirkland, A. (2014). Models for Technology Integration in the Learning Commons. School Libraries
In Canada (17108535), 32(1), 14
Lam, P., & McNaught, C. (2006). Design and evaluation of online courses containing media‐enhanced
learning materials. Educational Media International, 43(3), 199-218.
Learning Today.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Linkedin. Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Mega Meeting.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
Moodle.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.
PBworks.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014
Reiser, R. (2012).  Trends and issues in instructional design and technology. 3.  Pearson


Rossetta Stone.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014

Skype.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.

Snapchat.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.

Spelling City.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.

Staker, H., & Innosight, I. (2011). The Rise of K-12 Blended Learning: Profiles of Emerging

Models. Innosight Institute

Starfall.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.

TPACK.  Retrieved May 26, 2014 from

Twitter.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.

Vbuzzer.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.

Yugma.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.

Weebly.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.

Wikidot.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.

Wikispaces. Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.

Wikkii.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.

Xanga.  Retrieved from on May 26, 2014.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Week Five Assignment

Personalized Learning Systems

EDU 655

Laura Moll

May 19, 2014

Current System
Personalized Learning Systems
Classroom Lesson Plans
Individualized lesson plans
Standardized Tests
Tests aligned with students interests and efforts.
Students learn to acclimate to curriculum & classroom setting.
Students drive the material that is taught.
Traditional classroom setting
Virtual learning environment
Textbooks facilitate instruction
Web 2.0 technologies used to facilitate instruction.
Students grouped into categories of learning.
Students learn at their own pace and at their own developmental pattern.  


There are several steps that educators and the school system can take to facilitate the transition from that of a traditional classroom to an individualized learning process.  Personalized learning techniques and strategies are becoming more prominent as the increase of Web 2.0 technologies in classrooms and academic settings increase.  Strategies to implement personalized learning plans are described below.
  • One technique that can be used to incorporate personalized learning strategies into modern classrooms include the facilitation of e-books and tablets in a classroom setting as a replacement to traditional textbooks.  These e-books provide an interactive outlet for students to not only read material, but bookmark, research and share information that they found exciting, interesting or insightful (Huang, Y., Liang, T., Su, Y., & Chen, N., 2012).  Students are interested in using these technologies and get excited about reading and learning.  An important element of the implementation of these e-books into a classroom creates a personalized learning experience for students because they can customize reading material based on interest, and leave  notes to return to  important content.  Also, an e-book is incredibly portable and students with access to multiple textbooks can access all of thier information through one device.
  • Secondly, our current learning system facilitates movement for a whole group of students based on specific state mandated and government regulated criteria.  This criteria is a “one size fits all” method, often leaving some students excluded from the wonders of a great education, simply because they do not fit the requirements set forth by the district. The Family & Home Examiner reiterates this concept by suggesting the implementation of technology would improve the individualization of instruction by increasing the instructors ability to navigate and facilitate lessons for ease student with ease and accessibility (2013).  Technology, via word processing software, blog sites, interactive learning websites and wiki platforms allow teachers to easily modify and change lesson plans to accommodate all types of learners.  Progressing from a whole group instruction plan to an individualized learning plan will help to facilitate  and encourage the growth of personalized learning systems.
  • Lastly,  the transfer of knowledge from a traditional classroom setting to a virtual classroom helps to personalize learning and increase individual productivity.  Students have the ability to interact with other students via online discussion posts, online group discussions and projects and through collaborative learning groups and social media.  Also, the use of flipped classrooms through screencast and jing can facilitate the home-school connection and allow students and children and parents to interact on a daily basis. A three tiered model of instruction in a virtual environment is presented by De Oliveria in an essay presented on virtual learning environments.  This three tier system involves the construction of the virtual environment, the implementation of the virtual classroom and the assessment of instruction in a virtual environment (2013).  Virtual learning helps to increase personal learning instruction by creating online learning environments where students can learn and collaborate in their own atmosphere and comfort zone.


(2013, June 20). Five essential points of individualized learning plans. Family & Home
Examiner (USA).

de Oliveira, J., Esteve, V., & Camacho, M. (2013). Interaction in the virtual world: an analysis of students' construal of pedagogic subject positions in a 3D virtual learning environment. Text & Talk: An Interdisciplinary Journal Of Language, Discourse & Communication Studies, (3), 353.

Huang, Y., Liang, T., Su, Y., & Chen, N. (2012). Empowering Personalized Learning with an
Interactive E-Book Learning System for Elementary School Students. Educational
Technology Research And Development, 60(4), 703-722.

Sadofsky, M., Knollmann-Ritschel, B., Conran, R. M., & Prystowsky, M. B. (2014). National
Standards in Pathology Education: