Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Week Four Critical Thinking

Chapter 10- Evaluation in Instructional Design
1.How could an entrepreneur use a CIPP model to develop a business plan?  Describe each of the  four components and translate the steps to its utility in the private sector.
CIPP is an acronym for an evaluation model that stands for context, input, process and product.  This concept can be incorporated into a business plan by establishing the criteria for which the business will be designed.  Each of the components has a valuable context and can be translated into several different business plans.  A description of each of the components and it’s relevance to the business realm is described below (Reiser, 2012):
A).  Context- This element describes the environment or atmosphere in which the product will be used.  This is important because the popularity or usability of an item vastly depends on the need and the ability to utilize a product.  For example, it would be useless to advertise a plug in coffee pot in a rural community that had no electricity.
B). Input- - This element describes resources that will be used to create, market and produce the product.  This section determines usability and cost efficiency.
C).  Process-  This element analyzes the product as it is being developed and assesses formatively to collect information and make necessary changes.  This is similar to a formative assessment in education.
D).  Product-  This last element describes the product, expected and unexpected outcomes, profitability and final results.  This step most closely correlates with summative evaluations in education
2.  Recent research indicates that most companies conduct level 1 evaluations, and many conduct level 2 evaluations.  However, organizations infrequently conduct evaluations at level 3 and 4.  Describe several possible reasons why companies conduct few evaluations at the higher levels, and how would you explain who would attempt to increase the use of level 3 and 4 evaluations.

The levels of evaluation were defined by Kirkpatrick’s Training evaluation model.  He designed this model to attempt training evaluation.  Often, training is a challenging aspect of incorporating new software or hiring new employees (Shenge, 2014).  There are four levels of evaluation, from levels 1-4.  Level one is reaction and is often used through use of questionnaires and surveys.  This method is easy to use, and easy to record and keep track of. Level 2 training involves learning new material, focused on achievement and mastery of the skills that were taught in a seminar, group assignment or webinar (Reiser, 2012). Level 3 training is evaluated based on behavior and achievement in the workplace.  This requires a specific set of details to and criteria to determine performance and success.  Last, level four training activities focus around results and are seen through profitability and success of a campaign or design  Due to the ease of use, and the relative simplicity of level one and two training activities they are used often in a training environment.  Level 3 and level 4 training methods are not used as frequently because they evaluate the performer after the position has been obtained.  Level three training is used in classrooms when teachers perform their annual assessments, as reviewed by the principals of the school   Using a similar outline with clearly defined objectives, this practice could be incorporated into several corporate environments.  Level four training and reconciliation are often done from a profitability margin, but discuss and an analytical analysis with the people that helped the success would be a useful form of training.
Chapter 12- Managing On-Site and Virtual Design Teams
1. How would you describe your leadership style? What are some ways that you can naturally motivate people and build a sense of team? What aspects might  you need to develop in order to improve your ability as a project manager? What are some activities you can engage in that would improve your interpersonal and leadership skills?
There is a profound distinction between leadership and management.  Leadership reflects admirable characteristics that show team members how to get work done effectively and create a climate of interactive responsibility and creative generosity.  Some characteristics that are reflected in my leadership skills include a value system that defines goals and outcomes and a professional demeanor (Dahlstrom, 2013).  Some areas that I could improve on include experience in training and organizational leadership.  However, despite lack of training, there are several different ways to cultivate learning and create a sense of community in an online community. Creating group leaders, standardizing concepts leaving little grey area, creating clear concise tasks and providing immediate feedback and creating a distinct system for evaluation can help to build and maintain leadership mentality (Dahlstrom, 2013).

2. A $1 million project to develop an eight-course CBR program for city employees has limping along for six months and has had two project managers.  The project is behind schedule and the client is complaining. Nothing has been produced.  The project team is floundering, individuals are not getting along and there is little direction.  You have been hired as the third project manager.  How will you approach the situation?  What will you do in terms of the leadership skills you exhibit?  What aspects of leadership will you focus on first, second? How will you bring this team together?
There are several ways to approach a “broken” situation like this one.  First and foremost, the most important element of design is implementing a plan and a course of direction.  A group meeting would be help to troubleshoot ideas and get a concept of where the project was headed and what had already been completed.  From that point, based on skill, department or other identifying factor the entire team would be broken down into smaller segments, each to focus on one element of the task.  Competitive benefits would be given for efficient and collaborative work, including longer lunch breaks, close parking spaces and minute gift cards for coffee or other incentives.  This would ignite a feeling of excitement, competition and thrill to complete the project.  Through modeling correct behavior, implementing strategic organizational patterns and organizing team members into small groups collaborative teamwork and professional interaction will take place.

Chapter 9- Motivation, Volition and Performance
1. Describe your motivations for taking this course and indicate which ones are the most compelling.  What are some techniques that you use to maintain motivation?
There are several reasons that taking this a vital element to my success.  Not only is this course a required part of my degree, but the topic of the course helps to bring concepts that were initially abstract, to a more realistic perspective.  This course provides insight and interesting incentives for problem solving that I know I will use in my career.  My ambitions for course and degree completion also rest in the hands of my children.  I want to be successful for them, because I want them to know how hard I worked for them.  However, as selfish as it may be, from a parents perspective, my personal success and ambition is my most compelling reason for course completion.  At this time, the job that I do feels meaningless because it is not in my field and I do not particularly enjoy what I do.  However, upon completion of my Master’s degree I plan to facilitate entry into a field that will be compelling, interesting and insightful as I start on a new adventure.  It is a challenge to maintain momentum to complete courses and course requirements with a demanding work schedule, three kids and family life.  However, I keep my eye on the end goal of course completion, to help maintain my focus and ambition.  

2. Compare and contrast motivation with volition.  What are some ways they can interact to support or diminish one another.
Motivation is a concept that has both internal and external rewards.   Motivation essential is the reason why one person does the activities that they do.  Intrinsic and External motivation vary greatly in that internal motivation is based on the desire to be successful or to complete a task to make yourself proud, as opposed to external motivation which includes recognition from others, and rewards such as a degree and a good job ( Reiser, 2014).   Volition, is the defining factor that fuels the ambition for the motivation.  Some variables include attention,  ego and physical integrity and strength.  These factors of volition can inhibit or accelerate ambitions based on their prevalence and root.  If a person is both intrinsically and external motivated to succeed but has little focus or attention and is constantly fatigued and overworked, he may never reach his ambitions or fulfill his motivation.  On the other hand, if attention is precise and a student has ample time to complete assignments and is in generally good health, the likelihood of reaching one's goals is more probable.
Chapter 16- Knowledge, Management and Learning: Perfect Together
1. Choose one of the KM myths offered by the author and describe an example where you have seen this mistake being made.  What could have been done differently to improve the outcome?
Knowledge management is a system of storing information.  There are several myths associated with knowledge management and acquisition.  For example, it is often perceived that knowledge management is about controlling who has access to the knowledge (Reiser,2012). .  In a school that I once was employed, district decisions and textbook adoption was kept quiet from everyone, except for the administrators.  They investigated the textbooks without little consent from the staff or the teachers that would be utilizing them.  As a result, teachers were often unhappy with the selection because a lot of the material was not functional in their classrooms.  By including teachers in the textbook adoption process, everyone that was an interested party would be involved and there would be little cause for complaint when the textbooks were finally adopted.

2. How can the tools offered in this chapter help replace or augment what might be a traditional, regularly-scheduled office meeting, where managers and personnel have  an opportunity to collaborate in real time? In what ways could this help facilitate the growth of a business?
There are several tools, associate with instructional design that can help to ensure learning via mobile and internet devices.  These tools can help the business expand on a global proportion by allowing team members to interact asynchronously or synchronously via an internet connection.  Some tools include calling into a call center for group chat, assigning roles to certain individuals and assigning IT personnel to implement new software and incorporate any old learning with new interactive technologies.


Dahlstrom, T. R. (2013). Telecommuting and Leadership Style. Public Personnel Management, \
42(3), 438-451.
Reiser, R. (2012).  Trends and issues in instructional design and technology. 3.  Pearson
Shenge, N. A. (2014). Training Evaluation: Process, Benefits, and Issues. IFE Psychologia, 22(1),